Foto, Blick in den Ernst-Zimmermann-Raum
© Porzellansammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Adrian Sauer/VG Bild-Kunst Bonn

Competing with the Emperor of China

Augustus the Strong regarded himself as being in direct competition with the Emperor of China in the art of porcelain production. He supplemented his collection of East Asian porcelain with outstanding products from the first European porcelain manufactory at Meissen. From 2018 to 2021 all surviving pieces in this unique historical reference collection were identified, digitalized and systematically catalogued.

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Catalogue of the Augustan Collection (1710–1763)

18th-century Meissen Porcelain and Böttger Stoneware To the catalogue
Foto, Blick in den Ausstellungsraum "Tiersaal"
© SKD / Juergen Loesel


Porcelain in 3D

In September 2020, photogrammetric images of 43 pieces of porcelain and stoneware were created. With the 3D-imaging and digitalization of these highlights from the collection it is now possible to view them in a variety of new ways.

To the 3D models

Highlights in 3D

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