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The Dresden Porcelain Project

The extensive holdings of East Asian porcelain from the collection of Augustus the Strong were catalogued within an international research project. The new images, together with scholarly texts and commentaries, are published on the digital platform “The Royal Dresden Porcelain Collection” linking the porcelain with the surviving historical inventories.

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Foto, 5-teilige Baluweiß Garnitur
© SKD / Juergen Loesel
Project Website

Competing with the Emperor of China

The Porcelain Collection owes its position as the world’s most important historically documented reference collection of early Meissen porcelain to the collecting activities of Augustus the Strong and his son August III. From 2018 to 2021 all the surviving pieces in this unique reference collection were identified, digitalized and systematically catalogued.

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Foto, Blick in den Ernst-Zimmermann-Raum
© Porzellansammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Adrian Sauer/VG Bild-Kunst Bonn
Project Website

Reconstruction of the Porcelain Collection of the Dresden Banker Gustav von Klemperer

The eminent Dresden banker Gustav von Klemperer (Edler von Klemenau) and his wife Charlotte were the owners of what was, with over nine hundred objects, arguably the largest and most important collection of eighteenth-century Meissen porcelain in all Germany. Aim of the project was to establish the paths along which the porcelain objects came to be lost and to investigate the persecution of the von Klemperer family.

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Foto, Gruppenbild der Familie mit der Porzellansammlung
© Familie von Klemperer
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