Friends of the Dresden Porcelain Collection

The Freunde der Dresdner Porzellansammlung (Friends of the Dresden Porcelain Collection) have supported the work of the museum – its research projects, exhibitions, publications and acquisitions – in multiple ways since 1991. With great enthusiasm, the members of this society of friends share their love of Dresden’s treasures with the wider world.
All members of the Freunde der Dresdner Porzellansammlung share a fascination for the art of porcelain and its particular tradition in Dresden. Many of the members are collectors themselves, while others are lovers of the museum and its wonderful rarities. And further partners are museums and companies.

About us 2

In their care for, and research and expansion of, the historically and artistically significant collection, the Friends are exclusively a non-profit organization and are recognized as such by the Saxon tax and revenue authorities. Membership fees and donations are deductible from income tax according to income tax law.

Our statutes

Foto, Besucher in der Ostasiengalerie mit Blauweiß-Kabinett
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Current funding

The Royal Dresden Porcelain Collection

The extensive holdings of East Asian porcelain from the collection of Augustus the Strong were digitized and researched, for the first time. The results are published digitally.

Explore the platfom

Teaserbild digitale Plattform

The members of the board and the advisory council on their favourite pieces

The members of the board and the advisory council on their favourite pieces

Members' Meeting 2025

Once a year, the Friends meet in Dresden to learn about the work of the porcelain collection and to consult about future projects. The annual gathering also provides the opportunity for members to see each other again or to meet for the first time and get to know each other. The general meeting is complemented by a changing programme which may include exclusive tours before exhibition openings, outings, viewings and symposia. A festive evening draws a close to the annual meeting.

This year's meeting will take place from 17th to 19th October.


Bild Ausflug Moritzburg

Ausflug nach Moritzburg beim Jahrestreffen 2016
© Foto: Privat

Become a Member

Support the Porzellansammlung Dresden and become a friend. With an annual fee of as little as 75 euros, you too can contribute.

Enjoy a number of benefits:

  • Invitation to special events and to the annual general meeting
  • Free admission to all museums of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (with the exception of the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe)
  • Free admission to select events hosted by the Porzellansammlung
  • Receipt by mail of the events calendar of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Application form

Funded Projects

Frühere Förderprojekte 2

Frühere Förderprojekte 3


Sophienstraße – Zwinger
01067 Dresden
Telephone: +49 (0) 351 4914-6612

legal notice

Eingang der Direktion der Porzellansammlung im Dresdner Zwinger
© Foto: Barbara Bechter
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